JINOWA exhibition at Tokyo, Marunouchi
東京の三菱地所本社でJINOWA展開催中 "IDEAS FOR GOOD Museum in MEC (Mitsubishi Estate Company) "
JINOWA products are currently chosen for monthly exhibition by "IDEAS FOR GOOD Museum in MEC" August edition at the Mitsubishi Estate head office in Tokyo
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. has defined "Quality of life" and "Sustainability" to provide value through its business and has begun to take concrete steps towards sustainability.
The IDEAS FOR GOOD Museum in MEC (Mitsubishi Estate Company) was opened in collaboration with HARCH Co., Ltd, which runs ‘IDEAS FOR GOOD’ (https://ideasforgood.jp) a most well known online media in Japan focus on innovative ideas for creative solutions to social problems.
‘IDEAS FOR GOOD’ recommend the theme each month and select products that offer new perspectives on urban and community development. The international consortium JINOWA(https://jinowa.org) organized by GEN JAPAN Co, LTD ) partners companies products are chosen for the August edition.
JINOWA aims to commit the global environmental agenda by restoring the soil by shifting the society and all business industries to contribute better soil for a better future.
This May, Jinowa has launched the first project with Japanese architect Tono Mirai and started the earthen made circular-architecture project of JINEN in Italy, which is currently exhibiting at the European Cultural Center (ECC) in Venice.
JINEN architectural project with ECC will be featured as the main product at the MEC exhibition, also the products of Italian interior designer, Matteo Brioni and Japanese artisanal SAKAN plaster Souchikusha will be displayed as the case of using natural materials and soil as an innovative material for biodegradable environmentally friendly products.
ECC and JINOWA will also collaborate on community-based environmental education. From 29 August to 3 September they will co-host a series of workshops and forums in Venice aimed at creating a sustainable society through traditional Japanese architecture techniques.
三菱地所株式会社は「Quality of life」と「Sustainability」の二つを事業を通じた価値提供の視点と定め、サステナビリィに関する具体的な取り組みを本格化。 社会課題をクリエイティブに解決する世界のアイデアマガジン「IDEAS FOR GOOD」を運営するハーチ株式会社と共に「IDEAS FOR GOOD Museum in MEC(Mitsubishi Estate Companyの略)」を開設。
毎月テーマを決め、IDEAS FOR GOODで取り上げてきたプロダクトを中心に、環境問題や社会問題の解決を目指しているプロダクト、また都市やまちづくりに関する新たな視点を提供しているプロダクトを展示するもので、8月3日からの一ヶ月間、株式会社GEN JAPANが主催する国際コンソーシアム JINOWA(以下JINOWA)の参画プロジェクトのひとつとして、現在ヴェネチアのEuropean Cultural Center(以下ECC)で展示されている遠野未来による土と自然素材の循環型建築作品、JINENが紹介されます。
三菱の展示会ではECCでの建築作品JINENのほか、イタリアのインテリアプロダクトメーカーMatteo Brioniや三重県四日市の左官職人、松木憲司さんが主催する蒼築舎の野菜蔵など、イノベーティブな素材として土を使い、土に還る環境配慮型のプロダクトを生み出す企業のプロダクトが展示されます。